weird barbie saved me this week

When I’m feeling particularly fragile and or anxious, I like to make lists. This list is what has been keeping me afloat this week. I invite you to write your own and maybe even share it with someone. When so much is out of our control and we’re feeling helpless, reaching for goodness, sharing kindness, and bringing the light are all things we can do.

  1. At lunch with my friend Steph, when she went inside to get herself a treat and came back with one for me too. (Local peeps, have you tried the chocolate mousse from BT? It is out of this world. Thanks, Alison.)

  2. Having breakfast with my friend Julia who listened to me vent and cry. And also treated me. What amazing friends!

  3. Seeing the headline that the final straw for Dean McDermott and his marriage to Tori Spelling was the pig sleeping in their “marital bed” and a chicken in their bathroom.

  4. Inside at Starbucks enjoying a hot chai with my daughter while it rained buckets outside when a sweet little cat attached to a leash appeared. Inside. On a leash.

  5. My 8-year-old daughter’s text that said, “Where are you?” And then when I responded that I was running errands after getting my hair cut, she wrote back, “Can I see that pretty hair of yours?” 

  6. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Go ahead and judge, I judge me all the time.

  7. My friend, Wendy, bringing over a Barbie to make into our very own “Weird Barbie.” She cut off her hair and then we painted her. She also led us in a beautiful painting session designed to relieve stress. It did and I’m over the moon that I have a friend in my life, who knows me well enough, to know I’d be thrilled to paint on a barbie.

  8. At the doctor, the sweet assistant who was upbeat and positive, and kindly said “You’re not alone – life just be life-ing” in response to me telling her that my chest ached with all of the sadness and hate in the world.

  9. Hearing that a babysitter turned friend who watched Izzy when she was a baby is expecting her first this Spring!

  10. While walking my dog, Poppy, a rainbow appeared. It was vibrant and huge getting brighter and brighter as the sky turned golden after a day of incessant rain. The fast-moving clouds played “hide and seek” while my daughter splashed in a puddle with our neighbors. For that split second, all was right in the world.

I’m trying hard to hang in and stay hopeful. It has not been easy as I’m sure many of you can attest to. I’m really enjoying cat videos and sassy women singing on Instagram. I’m learning to be okay with taking breaks from social media and the news.

It sometimes feels impossible to believe that the eradication of hate is possible. But I’m choosing to believe it is. My mother-in-law always tells me when you have hope you have everything. With hope there is possibility.

Praying for peace, safety, and freedom for the people of Israel, Palestine, and all people everywhere.

We will get through these times because we have each other.

And lastly, may your holiday be abundant in friendship, comfort, and joy. I’m grateful for each one of you who have reached out, checked in, and who continue to read my posts after all these years. You sustain me! Sending you all wishes for peace and safety and heaps and heaps of love.



how we gather


outpouring of love