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about me

Beloved Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh said, "Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful." It is my sincere intention to help you smile through the pain and joy that is life.

As a highly sensitive child, I grew up hearing, “You are so sensitive,” and “You take everything personally.” Now I hear, “ARE YOU CRYING?” or “You are such a sap,” or “Oh my God, you are so red,” or still “You are so sensitive.” I used to think something was wrong with me but as an adult, I have learned to appreciate myself for who I am and to embrace my sensitivity. A wonderful teacher of mine once said to me that what we think of as our imperfections are often our greatest gifts. 

I have always been a seeker and lover of traveling. For the past twenty years I have studied Buddhism, yoga and meditation and personal growth and development.  I have a Masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology; the study of psychology, spirituality and consciousness and lead women’s groups where I strive to create a space for connection and creativity. In the spirit of offering the medicine we most need, these circles are about finding meaning, healing, and the courage to show up and share our authentic voices. I also offer one on one soul-centered personal coaching sessions.

Currently, my husband and I live in Tampa where we are trying to stay sane while raising our three children and our bad mannered but cute dog. I am an avid reader and love to write and play outside. At the core of everything I do is a sincere desire to help and love others. 

From my perspective as a super sensitive soul, deep feeler, and spiritual seeker, I hope my writings and work will strike a chord provoking feelings of belonging, acceptance, and inspiration. From my open heart to yours and with love and wishes for healing, peace and understanding, may you always find something to smile about! 




books i love

  • Book 1

  • Book 2

  • Book 3

  • Book 4


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