Rasta Cowboy Unicorn
When I was home for the holidays, I found a letter I had written to my mom. I was 15 and at an overnight retreat with a group of kids from different high schools in the area. The letter was an apology for an argument I don't remember having. Seems I was a pain in the ass and then felt really bad about it. Not uncommon in those years. (And regretfully, maybe something that happens on occasion now). But the sentence that stood out most for me was this one, "It is so nice to be here with people who have open hearts and minds and walk around with their masks off."
I read it out loud to my husband and we both laughed at how it sounded like something I very well could have written in my journal five minutes ago.
Seems as if I have been craving this my whole life.
And it made me think about what I can do or be to keep this yearning alive. How can I bring openness and realness into my life and my relationships with others?
When we were out to dinner for my husbands birthday the day before New Year's Eve, we were discussing our word for the new year. We also committed to doing one little practice every day for one month. Something the author Lois Hay writes about and Dr. Christiane Northrup talks to Oprah about and that is looking at the mirror every day and saying I love you. It may sound funny but once you do it, it impacts the way you treat yourself and others.
Because when you look at yourself in the mirror with your tired eyes and messy hair and imperfect skin and increasing wrinkles and all the mistakes you've made and you love yourself anyway, it helps you to love everyone else out there in the world with all of their imperfections too. Maybe you don't see their pain in the assness as much. Maybe you see their souls peeking through more.
And more importantly than a word, resolution or goal, what is the energy you want to emit? What is it that you craved as a child that still stands true for you today? How can you bring more of this energy out into our world?
With the help of my son who is really interested in Reggae and Rastafarianism at the moment, to my daughter who declared that 2017 was to be the year of the cowboy, to a game on Facebook that my friend Jules shared, I have decided the energy I choose to bring forth this year is that of the one loving, ass kicking, rainbow making, magical, mystical, Rasta Cowboy Unicorn. Yee Haw and One Love amigos!