enough for now

you don’t need a clock, watch or phone

you don’t need to light a candle or play relaxing music

you don’t need a comfortable spot or a cushion

you don’t need to take a class

you don’t need to know what you are doing

you don’t need to read a book

you don’t need an app

you don’t need others

and you don’t need it to be totally quiet

you don’t have to be alone

you can be in your car

you can be sitting, standing, dancing, showering, resting or working

it doesn’t need to be first thing in the morning

or right before bed

it can be any time

any where

all you need are your hands

place them on your heart

and your breath

take a deep wide inhale

notice the expansive horizon inside of you

delineating earth and sky

fill it up with thankfulness

feel the stillness, the peace


this is always present

available to and for you

you are alive

you are here in this very moment

and there are people that love you

and that you love

so very much

let this be enough for now.


tending and befriending

