in a mood
Usually I write about what brings me joy, what makes me smile. Today is not that day. I grew up feeling like my feelings were too much or inappropriate. I grew up feeling like I couldn’t be upset. Or that there was something wrong with me when I would feel down, sad, or angry. So today I’m giving myself and any of you out there permission to feel angry, upset, and undone.
I’m mad. Pissed. Infuriated.
With lawmakers who refuse to do more to protect our kids from gun violence.
At people who defend guns over our kid’s lives.
That at my daughter’s play last night, I felt scared.
That my state is about to pass a ban on abortions after 6 weeks when some women don’t even know they’re pregnant yet.
At hate, selfishness, separation, power, and greed.
That books are being banned and that showing children the statue of David because he has a penis is a problem here in Florida.
That a girl (not Gwyneth) ran into me skiing and now I can’t go for walks, that I still need crutches, and potentially, surgery.
When people say:
It could be worse.
Need to know basis.
Things happen for a reason.
There’s no such thing as an accident.
I was today years old…
Don’t cry.
That the people that love and help trans kids - mainly their parents and doctors - and the kids themselves - don’t get a say about what is best for them.
Natural disasters.
Red tide.
The word sargassum and sargassum itself.
This list is obviously not exhaustive. Feel free to add to it or make your own. It’s liberating. I’m a big believer in being positive but I also value honesty and authenticity above all. It’s okay to be angry and to let it be known. It’s not all rainbows and sunshine. I’m heartbroken but not hopeless. I know this too shall pass. In the meantime…deep breaths.